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Friday, June 28, 2013

Quotes Of Life Vs Poems And Rhymes Of Life

Quotes Of Life!!! Ah! What a misery? I was feeling sleepy; yes rightly you are reading “S L E E P Y” but cannot go to bed as I have promises to keep. You may say “The night is still young”, I will say yes my friend that’s life and yours one is the quotes of life. As if I was updating my status and suddenly wake up from a long dream and found that someone with husky voice reciting the ending lines of the famous poem of Robert Frost
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep

And the last line started to play again and again In my head; But I have promises to keep, But I have promises to keep, But I have promises to keep,…………..

Quotes Of Life

Quotes Of Life

Quotes Of Life

There was a time when I was young but disappointed, used to curse everyone, even myself. Then one day a miracle happened, I say it miracle just because it turned me my views and ideas totally. I started thinking in different way.

Quotes Of Life

Quotes Of Life

The miracle was: I met a neighbor cute kid who does not have a leg, have a crutch. I have never seen him on wheel chair. He was regular to the playground and tried to run, move and play with us. We laughed at him but he never cared.

Quotes Of Life

Quotes Of Life

Quotes Of Life

One day while playing I fell down on the ground, my leg was terribly injured. The cute boy came to me slowly, gave me a hand and asked me to stand on my feet. I suddenly realized that this is life! I will fall down, will rise, will start a new motion, and will break the wall………..

Quotes Of Life

On that day I have discovered that these moments of miseries, happiness, boldness, shame, asking, wants are the “Quotes Of Life”. That cute boy really left an unforgettable impression……..

Quotes Of Life

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