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Monday, July 1, 2013

Life Is Love Or Love Is Life; The beginning

Life is love or love is life; the beginning. OK you have already gone through the name of the topic, so what you expect; I am going to describe all those thought and philosophies of love jumping in my mind? Sorry, but it is not going to happen. It is not possible for a kid like me to explain all those deep thought and ideas about love.

Life is love or love is life

life is love or love is life

While in my younger age my friends used to elaborate LOVE as L- lost, O- of, V- valuable and E- Energy!! So what you have found? Love is lost of valuable energy. In our society love and affair without marriage between a boy and girl was not welcomed till a time, though now a day situation is much changed.

life is love or love is life

So in our age (before 2000), it was really tough for us to manage someone and say “I Love You” was pretty tough and troublesome. So, fox cannot manage to eat grapes and grapes are sour. Alike my friends were unable to manage a girlfriend and used to say “Oh! Love is so awful and it is just losing of valuable energy!!!

life is love or love is life

We grow a bit older and managed to get admission in University. Situation is changed, got freedom of birds and could fly anywhere.

life is love or love is life

Yes you have read “managed to get admission”. In our country it is just not easy to get admission in universities in desired subjects as the seats are limited and students are almost unlimited compared to the seats. For example the total numbers of seats in Govt. universities are about 20000, where applicant number is half a million.

life is love or love is life

Some private universities are there but education is pretty much expensive there. So the main focus of all the applicants is the Govt. universities where the cost is limited, less pressure of study and ample opportunity to enjoy your life.

life is love or love is life

life is love or love is life

life is love or love is life

life is love or love is life, to be continued in next posts..................

life is love or love is life

life is love or love is life

life is love or love is life

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