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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 3

LifeQuotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 3

He asked the lady, if she is okay. She waved her head positively; steel she is taking short breath. He knows that the man is addicted; the wife is engaged in working as maid in different houses.

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 3

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 3

He asked whether the children had their food or not. The lady started weeping. He looked around and found that the man was so rude to his family. All the cooked food are scattered on the ground. He asked one of the kids to come with him, gave him the food he cooked, turned off the light and lied on the couch.

The next morning he reached in front of the apartment before it was 7.30. Within few minutes the girl came with the lady. She asked him to take them to a famous school. He started to pull the rickshaw. The lady asked why he did not take the money yesterday. He smiled and said how come I take the money while still the work is not done.

It has become an unwritten rule that every morning before 7.30 he will appear in front of the apartment and after school will appear in front of the school. The girl, whose name is Kaya is very cute and calm. She asks questions and often he answers them to her. He cannot remember last when he talked this much to anyone and finds that while Joya was alive he used to talk to her for hours. For last three years his life is filled with loneliness and silence.

Joya was calm, gentle and kind girl. He met her while he was in his seventh semester in graduation level in university. Joya was doing her Post graduation, so she was senior to him. The relation, how it started and ended he cannot just understand.

In a rag day he met Joya. Not knowing Joya, he thought her to be a student of first year poured some color water on her. Some of the senior guys got very furious and about to beat him. Joya came in between and rescued him.

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Continued to Part 4

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