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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality Part 4

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 4

In a rag day he met Joya. Not knowing Joya, he thought her to be a student of first year poured some color water on her. Some of the senior guys got very furious and about to beat him. Joya came in between and rescue him.

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 4

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 4

Nothing was like at first sight or dramatic happened after that. One day he went to a house to be interviewed as a home tutor and found that Joya is the elder sister of that student. He was selected as the home-tutor of that girl. So meeting with Joya were frequent now.

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 4

He felt something was happening between them but never broke the silence, neither she. It was all confined in eye contact, small chit chat at Joya’s home.

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 4

 One day Joya asked him to meet him at the gallery of the University playground in the morning. He met with Joya but nothing special happened. While Joya was walking away he realized what she meant to him, ran to her and asked “Can I hold your hand?” Joya smiled and asked “Forever?” He eagerly said “Yes, forever.”

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 4

 Joya smiled and asked “What if, my parents do not want you as their son in law?” He said “We may not wait for their permission.” Joya negatively waved her head and said “Promise me you will never do anything that hurts my parents.” He stared at her and said “Promise”.

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 4

 Was that a starting? He still thinks and never gets an answer. The relation survived for about nine months. One day Joya and her family disappeared, leaving an envelope for him. There was the last month’s honorarium with one more month’s extra and a letter, where she wrote “I am going; please do not look for me. Be good to yourself. Joya”

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 4

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 4

How bad lucks break out into human life!! Now he does not remember how he returned from that place. The whole night he could not sleep. Next morning he got a telephone call from one of his uncle back at home. The dormitory super called him to his office; said “You need to keep yourself strong” and give him the receiver.

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality? Part 4

Life Quotes Of Love: Fantasy Or Crude Reality continued to Part 5

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